If you're in a car accident and can't afford to pay your car insurance bill right away, or if you're in a legal dispute with a creditor and want to settle without taking out a loan, then pre-settlement funding may be right for you. Pre-settlement financing is when a business offers you money upfront as a way to settle your debt.
After you settle, the business receives the initial portion that they paid. In order to qualify, you have to have an account at least six months old and not be delinquent on any accounts. The business must be willing to wait at least three years before they receive the full amount owed and will then charge your credit card company. Find out more about pre-settlement financing on this link.
Because this type of pre-settlement financing is relatively new, many people are not aware of the benefits. First, it is possible to get pre-settlement financing from a company that does not even require you to use your credit card. Second, pre-settlement financing is much more flexible than traditional loans because you can choose how much you want to pay upfront and when you want to pay your balance.
Depending on the business you are applying for the funding, there may be several different financial institutions to choose from. You should do some comparison shopping before choosing a financing company. If you know that your current lender is charging you too much interest, or if you don't want to deal with late payments, then pre-settlement financing might be the best way for you to go. Find the best pre-settlement financing companies here: https://usclaims.com/ .
Pre-settlement financing is especially helpful for consumers who have been hit with a car accident. If you have a car accident, your first thought may be to file a lawsuit. But before you file your lawsuit, you should get pre-settlement financing so that you can pay your auto accident bills without having to put all of the money upfront.
Pre-settlement financing is an excellent way to get out of a lot of debt. When you get pre-settlement financing, you can walk away from the process without having to pay anything until you receive your settlement. In other words, the money is yours once you have your settlement, but you aren't obligated to keep paying the whole amount. In fact, if you're in good credit standing, the lender will help you negotiate for lower payments from credit card companies or lenders that accept pre-settlement financing. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_financing.